Over 900 students get educational aid in Oriental Mindoro

A total of 939 students from various towns in Oriental Mindoro received educational assistance from the provincial government, through the Provincial Education and Employment Services Office (PESO).

The educational aid was granted under the Provincial Education Assistance Program (PEAP) and was distributed at the Provincial Capitol Complex in this city on May 31.

PESO Labor Employment Officer III, Sofia A. Logmao, provided guidelines to the students regarding the do’s and don’ts to maintain their eligibility as scholars of the Provincial Government.

Governor Humerlito ‘Bonz’ Dolor, who could not personally attend the payout of the educational assistance to the scholars, delivered a message through Zoom.

Dolor emphasized that the allowance received by the beneficiaries comes from the hard-earned taxes of the citizens. Therefore, he urged the scholars to express their gratitude to the people who have played a significant role in their educational journey.

The governor also shared some recent updates regarding the progress of the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Park, which is expected to provide 1,000 job opportunities in the province.

Dolor mentioned that the first phase of the facility is nearing completion, and he anticipates that the scholars of the Provincial Government will also benefit from this project in the future.

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